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These slides:
Figure 1: Modes are represented by arrows
Figure 2: Mode 13 in SnS at T-point (local minimum in dispersion plot)
Figure 4: Screenshot from the Sintel open film project
Figure 5: Blender tooltip (cursor is hidden from screenshot)
Figure 6: ascii-phonons GUI
Lattice vectors
dxx dyx dyy dzx dzy dzz
dxx 0. 0. dxy dyy 0. dzx dzy dzz
Eigenvectors and frequencies are given with corresponding q-points. This is expressed as commented metadata for backwards compatibility
#metaData: qpt=[0.000000;0.500000;0.000000;129.279993 \ #; 0.028286; -0.008664; -0.031412; -0.000000; -0.000000; 0.000000 \ #; 0.000010; -0.000003; -0.000011; 0.028285; -0.008664; -0.031409 \ #; -0.000003; 0.000001; -0.000003; -0.028288; 0.008663; -0.031407 \ #; -0.028289; 0.008663; -0.031408; 0.000007; -0.000002; 0.000008 \
\[ \mathbf{r^\prime}(jl,t,\nu) = \\ \mathbf{r}(jl) + \mathbf{U}(j,\mathbf{q},\nu) \exp(i[\mathbf{q r}(jl) - \omega (\mathbf{k},\nu) t]) \]
for frame in range(start_frame, end_frame+1): bpy.context.scene.frame_set(frame) exponent = cmath.exp( complex(0,1) * ( - 2 * math.pi*frame/n_frames)) atom.location = r + mass**-.5 * magnitude * Vector([x.real for x in [x * exponent for x in displacement_vector]]) atom.keyframe_insert(data_path="location",index=-1)
Arrow model imported from a file + '/arrow_cylinder.blend/Object/', filepath="arrow_cylinder.blend", filename="Arrow")
Ignore what you learned in undergrad and read Ashcroft/Mermin
The Miller indices of a lattice plane are the coordinates of the shortest reciprocal lattice vector normal to that plane, with respect to a specified set of primitive reciprocal lattice vectors
camera_direction_vector = sum([i * x for i, x in zip(miller, reciprocal(lattice_vectors))], Vector((0,0,0)))
Tkinter provides three layout options
Object-oriented programming is the way to go
def add_appearance_row(self, padding=20): ... self.camera_rot = tk.DoubleVar(value=360) ... Appearance = tk.Frame(self.LeftFrame, borderwidth=3, relief="groove") tk.Label(Appearance, text="Appearance settings").pack(side="top", fill="x") AppearanceRow1 = tk.Frame(Appearance) tk.Entry(AppearanceRow1, textvariable=self.camera_rot, width=4 ).pack(side="right") ...
def init_material(symbol, col=False, shadeless=True): """ Create material if non-existent. Assign a random colour if none is specified. :param col: RGB color. If False, use a random colour. :type col: 3-tuple, list or Boolean False :param shadeless: Enable set_shadeless material parameter. Informally known as "lights out". :type shadeless: Boolean :returns: bpy material object """
Use it!
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